ReadWorks is an easy way for students to develop the foundation of their reading skills from primary school through high school.
Many aspects make this online literacy platform beneficial; we’ve loved the ease of utilization (create classes, design assignments, track students’ progress, and more. ) and its price (free), and the wide selection of books that are available to improve literacy among students, making sure that students know why they should learn to read which is possibly the most essential ‘literacy skill of all.

10 ways to use ReadWorks in the Classroom
1. Find top-quality fiction and nonfiction articles for students of all ages to learn from every day using The Article A Day series.
2.Engage reluctant readers by providing high-interest texts.
Note: ReadWorks encourages teachers to make students read the article before or after reading a StepRead article.
What is ReadWorks?
ReadWorks is a library that contains selected fiction and nonfiction passages. It also includes vocabulary tools and text paired questions dependent on text, teacher guides and resources, and much more.
What is StepRead?
This is the collection of posts written by ReadWorks. StepReads are ‘less complex versions of our nonfiction and literary Articles…handwritten by…authors who preserve all of the vital knowledge of the original article, as well as the essential academic vocabulary, rich syntax, word count, and beauty of writing
3. Make reading goals that are personalized for students.
4. Give students extra credit after completing reading assignments (or attain the goals set out as #3 ).
5. Let students use ReadWorks at home, where they can study reading with parents or other family members.
6. Check the comprehension of students’ reading over time.
7. Create reading groups based on interests or ability, nonfiction/fiction, etc.
8. Make use of Paired Texts to stimulate higher-level thinking
9. Integrate ReadWorks into Google Classroom by:
- Classes imported from Google Classroom
- Assignment can be posted directly into the Google Classroom Stream
- Students can access to complete their assignments via the Google Classroom Stream.
Learn more on ReadWorks Integration with Google Classroom here.
10. Students are encouraged to make their reading lists each semester based on their reading objectives and interests.